The office building was designed by Stein Doshi Bhalla and was declared to be a historic building based on its proximity to the Lodhi tombs. The building was designed to showcase its simplistic yet beautiful form utilizing the iconic delhi quartzite stone and concrete combination. Since the exterior envelope of the office could not be touched, the reuse and redesign project looked at repurposing the interior so it feels like a new space altogether. The design goal was to highlight iconic features as sculptures such as the stone walls, the hanging staircase and the building views to the garden outside. The design proposal also promoted the concept of flexibility in space for the main conference rooms so they could house gatherings of different numbers as desired. The central office space was also designed to look into a green courtyard making the workspace more appealing for all. The whole project was carried out while the first floor was fully functional hence it was an exercise in innovative design and project management.
Photo: Vibhor Yadav